Solo performers make an impact on the fringe

Outstanding performers Duncan Armstrong and Jacob Dombroski, who presented solo shows at the Auckland and Wellington Fringe Festivals, will talk about their performances on Friday 25 May at the Arts Access Aotearoa Annual General Meeting in Wellington.

The shows Force Field  and Big J Stylez were developed in collaboration with the team at Everybody Cool Lives Here and supported by the IHC Foundation.

Force Field was created by Duncan Armstrong and Isobel MacKinnon, and performed by Duncan Armstrong. The work was inspired by Duncan’s experiences, his passion for Shakespeare and a love for Disney’s ability to create accessible and multi-generational stories. Force Field premiered in February 2018 as part of the Auckland Fringe Festival and Duncan won a Best Performance Award.

Written and performed by Jacob Dombroski, Big J Stylez explores Jacob’s passions – music, dance, and acting – weaving a story of growing up in New Zealand as a young Samoan /Maori (Ngai Tuhoe, Ngati Porou) . Big J Stylez was performed in March 2018 as part of the New Zealand Fringe Festival in Wellington.

Arts Access Aotearoa Annual General Meeting