Lauren’s PhD research - Young carers

Lauren Donnan is currently completing her PhD research at the University of Auckland into the experiences and needs of young carers in New Zealand – children and young adults who take on a significant caring role for someone with a disability, illness, substance misuse, mental illness or who is elderly.

Young carers are a completely hidden and under-serviced group of children and youth in New Zealand.

As part of Lauren’s PhD research, the IHC foundation provided funding for her Visiting Researcher Fellowship to Birmingham University in 2015.

Lauren has made a video telling the story of her research and why it is so very important. This video has been entered in the 150 Years of Discovery: Emerging Research competition.

This competition is a huge opportunity to raise awareness of Lauren’s research and help her bring about change for this wonderful but very hidden group of New Zealanders.

Please visit and vote for Lauren’s video 'Researching an invisible population: Being a young carer in Aotearoa/New Zealand'.

Voting closes September 15th at 12am.